Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Why This BLOG???

I am Publishing this Post to give an overview of this Blog and a description of the content that will be added.
I am an IANTD dive-master, in Sharksdiveteam diving club located in Maameltein Lebanon, ( and a sea enthusiastic person, i have started this blog to share with you my thoughts, vision and knowledge about SCUBA diving together with ocean's faune and flora.
this Blog will be mainly split into 2 parts;
  1. The First tackling scuba diving as a sports and several discussion , documents will be uploaded regarding this matter.
  2. The Second part will be dedicated to the ocean's faune and flora and the conservation and how can we help to save our oceans from our pollution...

 The Blog and writer are open for any comment, so feel free to drop me a line if you have any new idea or need to correct/comment on any post..